Saturday, January 19, 2013

Texas is almost complete now apart from the rigging.A few awnings and a lot of sailors on deck admiring the view were placed as the ship itself is rather bare  above the hull.Thinking of adding and a small tug at the front .


  1. How do you model your awnings and their support structure? wire, photo-etch, tissue impregnated with white glue or superglue?

  2. In this instant Jim is just plain thin white paper.I applied a thin layer of diluted white paint to help me when i paint them with acrylics not to get too soft and wrinkle out of shape.The supports are from stanchions from dedicated etch sets from Lion Roar.Needs a bit of extra effort to get them attached properly to the paper in that size .

  3. OK, thanks. I have seen the stanchion etch sets listed on Ebay. I will add those to my next shopping list. Sometimes these add more character to certain ships and their setting. ~Jim
