Saturday, December 29, 2012

Not exactly ship modeling related, these are just some of the bases for figures i am trying to produce and sell.The smaller the size the harder it gets to get a nice finish.

Friday, December 28, 2012

The second Warspite i built within a year , this time with the Pontos set finished.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

That is the second pagoda i am building but this time in 1/700 for another diorama this time overlooking a small harbor with a few warships resupplying.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

The cliff almost finished, although now that i took a closer look at the pictures i found a couple more areas that need a few touch ups still.All in all i think this can become a trend on its own since Fujimi, Doyusha etc have quite a few and in various scales too.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Another must have .A recent limited edition release by Samek in 1/700 of the USS Texas in the 1914 fit .Vintage at its best.

I will name this the Mount 'Kostas' .This is the progress on the cliff that is going to be put alongside the 1/350 Fujimi Fuso.I still have to paint the vegetation , mainly by spraying darker shades of Green , as i dont like the bright colors of the Woodland scenic material.It feels a bit unrealistic for the scale .Once finished with spraying i will add a few figures and the buildings which have been prepared already.

The Trumpeter 1/700 Roma .I am building this as a way of testing for the larger 1/350 version which i have started as well.Both kits will be dressed with the Flyhawk sets.

My second HMS Warspite 1/350 this time with the Pontos set ready and placed into the base for the final seascape creation stage.

The resin 1/700 Samek Royal Oak.I started this one (as if i dont have enough already half finished) as part of a larger diorama i want to make with at least 3 British capital ships in formation.The other 2 probably will be the HMS Barham from the resin Pit road kit which i have in an advanced stage, and the veritable HMS Nelson from Tamiya which will require some extra attention to bring it up in par with the other 2 kits. I am contemplating adding a fourth ship as well , either HMS Hood , Repulse etc but this will increase the base dimensions way too much , and this is already quite big  given i will have to keep a minimum distance between the ships.Anyway , as you can tell from the pictures , there is some fiddling in the bridge area before i can proceed with the finer details.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Some progress on the 1/200 Arizona hull.The hull has a few mistakes some of witch are far too obvious to let them as is.The shafts ends plus the rudder area are oversimplified and wrong in shape so i had to scrape the whole area clean of the kit detail and use the shaft ends from the 1/350 Nimitz project to create something as close as possible to the original .I think when compared with the pictures available i can call it a day now.Also some planking detail has been added on the hull except the added bulges areas.The 4 long strips under the hull are meant to be the strong points when the ship was resting in a dock and were created and positioned according the instructions and templates given in the WEM etch set.The hull is been sprayed with a red primer at this stage to check for small nicks easier, and there are still a few small marks that i need to go over before i start the painting and weathering.

These are some of the parts acquired for a new commission for a 1/350 Nimitz 1978.Extra sets for aircraft details, extra decals from Starfighter decals, and also the WEM etch set .Also to come in a few weeks , some extra resin tractors, and about 300-400 resin figures.This is going to have LED's lighting up the hangar bay, the landing strip on deck, various smaller lights around the hull and lighting around the numbers on the island and of course the bridge windows.Aircraft will be detailed as much as possible with open canopies, and some extra weapons load that i ll have to scratch built myself since in 1/350 none makes any .The seascape it will be close to the last picture as possible.Needless to say the base will be humongous as it will have to be at least 150cm in length and over 70cm in width with enough space for a control panel with all the switches for the various LED's around the ship.Once i finalize the wiring , number and positioning of the LEDs i will proceed in designing the base itself.This is the biggest project yet , and it will take some time to complete , but i am pretty certain it will be a showstopper once finished .Am also certain , soon as i finish it, someone else will ask for another one just like it all over again...

Monday, November 19, 2012

The Trumpeter 1/350 Q.Elizabeth slightly modified as i want to paint her in the 1941 camo scheme.Another project i started a  few months ago  and decided its time to finish it now.
Fuso hull weathering is done now.I think..

Overall shot next to the scenic hilltop i am creating with a pagoda on the top.The pagoda castle is from the Doyusha series in 1/350 .I will name this dio the 2 pagoda towers..

Thursday, November 15, 2012

A small 1/350 dio with 2 German subs and an S-boat on the rescue of some sailors amid the debris of the sunken ship.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

A Bismarck in 1/700 in early stages of scene preparation.
A test shot of the  pit road 1/700 Barham and the seascape i have created so far.

The new 1/350 Fujimi Fuso (a personal favorite ) waterlined and weathered  but not 100% yet .Some rust marks and some vertical seam lines will have to be added on the hull sides to complete the worn out look.As always when i can i prefer to paint the deck rather than use wood replacements.